Boite découverte - Repas végan à boire

Complete Healthy Meal To Drink

Nutritious easy breakfast
  • Ready in one minute, so you can sleep more!

  • Eat everywhere : in your car, in the shower, taking the bus or at work.

  • Start your day right with a balanced meal that is packed with nutriments. Feel full for 4+ hours.

  • Can be mixed in a blender with yogurt and frozen fruits for delicious & healthy smoothies. Perfect for summer!
Healthy meal to go
  • Always have a healthy option with you.

  • No cooking or refrigeration required.

  • Perfect for long drives or travel.

  • No need to prepare a lunch for your days at the office or during activities.
Quick meal for new parents
  • Healthy ingredients to take care of you and your baby. Contains oats, carrots, milk, sweet potatoes and almonds, to help increase milk supply.

  • Drink with one hand while breastfeeding or giving the bottle.

  • Hold and bounce your crying baby while eating your meal.

  • Perfect when hungry at 3am after a feeding.
Perfect for outdoor enthusiasts
  • Healthy meal that is light and easy to carry.

  • No refrigeration or cooking needed.

  • Gives you long-lasting energy for your activity.

  • Easy to prepare and to eat; you don't have to stop to eat.
Nutritious easy breakfast
  • Ready in one minute, so you can sleep more!

  • Eat everywhere : in your car, in the shower, taking the bus or at work.

  • Start your day right with a balanced meal that is packed with nutriments. Feel full for 4+ hours.

  • Can be mixed in a blender with yogurt and frozen fruits for delicious & healthy smoothies. Perfect for summer!
Quick meal for new parents
  • Healthy ingredients to take care of you and your baby. Contains oats, carrots, milk, sweet potatoes and almonds, to help increase milk supply.

  • Drink with one hand while breastfeeding or giving the bottle.

  • Hold and bounce your crying baby while eating your meal.

  • Perfect when hungry at 3am after a feeding.
Healthy meal to go
  • Always have a healthy option with you.

  • No cooking or refrigeration required.

  • Perfect for long drives or travel.

  • No need to prepare a lunch for your days at the office or during activities.
Perfect for outdoor enthusiasts
  • Healthy meal that is light and easy to carry.

  • No refrigeration or cooking needed.

  • Gives you long-lasting energy for your activity.

  • Easy to prepare and to eat; you don't have to stop to eat.
  • Easiest way to eat healthy

  • Eat anywhere, anytime

  • Have energy and feel great

Vous obtenez :


  • Repas complets en sachets individuels pratiques, compostables après utilisation.
  • Bouteille gratuite pour tout nouveau client sur commande de 50 $ et plus.

Mélangez simplement le repas et l'eau dans le shaker et savourez votre délicieux repas buvable.

Boite découverte - Repas végan à boire

Complete Healthy Meal To Drink

  • Easiest way to eat healthy

  • Eat anywhere, anytime

  • Have energy and feel great

Vous obtenez :


  • Repas complets en sachets individuels pratiques, compostables après utilisation.
  • Bouteille gratuite pour tout nouveau client sur commande de 50 $ et plus.

Mélangez simplement le repas et l'eau dans le shaker et savourez votre délicieux repas buvable.

Toutes les saveurs véganesChoco-bananeLatte véganChoco-beurre de peanutCannelle-Vanille
$55.00 CAD
Purchase Options
Delivery Frequency

Free delivery !

Subscription without any commitment

If you subscribe: we take care of EVERYTHING. To make changes to your subscription at any time, write to us at or simply reply to the order confirmation email.

  • Change the flavors of your box or the number of meals.

  • Change individual meals to large 1.5kg bags or vice versa.

  • Change the frequency of your orders or skip an order.

  • Advance the date of an order.

  • Cancel your subscription without explanation necessary.

We send you an email 3 days before the date of your order.

We offer 5* star service. You can write to us every month, it makes us happy!

Never tried KIAGO and not sure? Save 10% now and simply cancel if you don't like the product!

** Some promotional codes can't be combined with the subscription**

The bags are compostable after use.

22g of protein from 100% vegan sources 

Balanced and optimal nutrition to support you for 4+ hours.

Boite découverte - Repas Complet à boire

Not vegan or lactose intolerant? Try more flavors

Boisson nutritive pour enfants

Nutricious drink kids 2-12 years old

With whole grains, proteins, nuts and vegetables

Our meals are made with real whole foods. These natural ingredients are simply dehydrated to give you one of the healthiest meal to drink. 

Ingredients : Whole grain oat flour • Blanched almonds flour • Pea protein powder • Pumpkin seeds protein • Mix of powdered organic dehydrated vegetables (sweet potato, cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, kale) • Cashew nuts powder • Guar gum • Nutritional yeast • Ground flax seeds • Cacao • Brazil nuts powder • Salt • Stevia • Natural Flavors

Vitamins & Minerals : Vitamin A Palmitate • Vitamin D3 • Riboflavine (B2) • Niacin (B3) • B12, Calcium Carbonate

Attention customers with food allergies. Please be aware that our ingredients may contain or come into contact with dairy, wheat, soybeans, tree nuts, and peanuts.

You have kids ? Nutricious drink kids 2-12 years old.

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